There are 1.1 billion people without Official Identity (ID)

Unidentified population: an official identity is the key to having recognized rights and duties and access to essential services such as health, education, finances, justice, etc. According to the World Bank, this problem affects 1.1 billion people worldwide. Thanks to better sources of information and mainly to the rapid implementation of the Aadhaar system in India, the number of people without identification fell from 1.5 billion to 1.1 billion people in 2017 (Source: Global Findex World Bank 2017)
We can not fight for Financial Inclusion with so many people in the world who do not have an official identity. It is the first step to comply with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Identity means that you can defend your rights, have property, enter the formal economy and, in addition, fulfill your obligations.
INCLUSIVITY has a registry that grants users a digital identity; we are aware that only Governments have the right to grant an official identification, but our blockchain registration can help the identification of the excluded and of other people such as refugees and those who do not have a state, without the risk of manipulation of the data.
INCLUSIVITY will collaborate with Public Administrations and with NGOs and International Organizations to ensure that the entire world population has an official identity that allows them to exercise their rights and obligations internationally.
Identity is also key in the struggle for equality of women, many women in the world do not have their own identity, which makes their dependence on men absolute (father, husband, brothers, etc).
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